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The Joy in Unforced Rhythms of grace

When the Unsettling Feeling of a "new season" takes over and stops you from stepping into the season God has for you Part one: Written in August of 2022 You open up your social media account in August and you see all the back-to-school shoppers showing you all their amazing deals! A few weeks go by then ALL the back-to-school pictures come rolling in. The hot topic when chatting with people is... when are your kids going back to school? What sports are our children trying out for? What instrument is your child going to learn? So many questions, that honestly I have no desire to answer. I have always loved change, all kinds! But most recently I have found myself fearful in the unknown of this coming year. The unknown of will it finally click for one of my children to start reading? The unknown of children getting older and having activities. The unknown of whether we will be too busy or will our calendar look too full. The unknown of relationships. Because with season changes ...
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