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Loving My Husband Brings me Joy.


        When you look at the fruit of the spirit what is it that you see?  Do you see a checklist of actions flowing out of you? Do you look at the fruit of the spirit and think of the song you learned in children's church?

I could sing you the song that I learned when I was 5 years old. But the song that I learned didn’t tell me how to put into practice living out the fruit of the Holy Spirit. I never really knew (Holy Spirit will you open our ears to hear and our heart to understand!)

Last year I went through a class at Lifegate Church called, Who is the holy spirit. It changed my perspective in many ways, life-changing! Many big takeaways and nuggets that I would love to share with you(Call me up for a coffee date)  but I will focus on the fruit of the holy spirit. The speaker said, “The fruit of the holy spirit is LOVE.”(‬‬Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. | New King James Version (NKJV) | Download The Bible App Now)

It doesn’t say the fruits of the spirit, it’s not plural, it’s singular! 


My mind was blown!










Above all else LOVE.

So many times I have said, “ I need more patience!”

We don’t need more of the fruits of the spirit. We need more love.  We need (ME included) to make space in our hearts for more of the love of God. We need His love flowing freely through us with no blockages or roots of bitterness. 

Holy Spirit will you speak to our hearts and reveal the areas in our life that we need you flowing through us freely. Kindly show us the blockages that are in our lives, help us to be strong enough to pull out roots of bitterness and things that are stopping us from fully pouring out the love of God unto everyone we encounter!

Putting this into practice: this came to me a year after my “wow” moment in the classroom. It’s my prayer that it helps you in your daily walk with the lord and your relationships with others. I show you how I tailor this to loving my husband well, but you can put this into practice in your everyday life with family, friends, neighbors, etc.

How do we cultivate a new rhythm of loving thoughts?

  • Think about whatever is true 

  • Whatever is honorable and worthy of respect 

  • Whatever is right and confirmed by God’s word Phillippians 4:1-5 

  • Whatever is pure and wholesome 

  • Whatever is lovely and brings peace 

  • Whatever is Admiral and of good repute 

  • If ANYTHING is excellent 

  • If there is ANYTHING worthy of praise 

think continually on these things… 

Center your thoughts and mind on them and implant them in your heart!

Love isn’t just a word, it's an action.

This is what loving my husband looked like in September of 2020.

When I tell my husband in the moment, “Honey I love you!”

This is what I am really saying…


Gentleness is my response.

I will remain faithful to you.  

I will let God’s goodness flow out of me in the midst of our pain.

Peace over the situation.

Patients in the process.

Kindness in the day-to-day when it hurts.

Joy in the midst of my pain and brokenness.

Self-control when I want to control my husband!

Simple right?

Write it down, and they will flow naturally. Ha. if only! Here is something I found in God’s word to help out. 1 Peter 1:13 So prepare your minds for action, be completely sober [in spirit—steadfast, self-disciplined, spiritually and morally alert], fix your hope completely on the grace [of God] that is coming to you.. | Amplified Bible (AMP) | Download The Bible App Now.

To love the people around us we need to prepare our mind for action. Not just write out how we love them but put those words into action. Having the self-discipline to love and prefer those around us. We can only do this with the holy spirit and God's love flowing through us. It's my prayer that we all take the first step in loving those God has placed around us, with His love flowing through us freely!


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