Why is it so difficult to ask for help? As a mother, in life I find it easier to do everything myself because I know it will get done. I know the outcome is the way I want it to be. There is something very humbling about asking for help when you are in need.
It brings me great joy to help a friend out. I am always looking for opportunities to help my community. I attended a MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) meeting last year. In this meeting, we were tackling a few hard topics including postpartum, depression, and anxiety. The speaker said something that has stuck with me. She said, “When we don't ask for help or allow people in to help, you are taking away their blessing.” Wow! What a statement. It was never my intention to take away someone else’s blessing. There is a special joy in blessing others when done with the right mindset! It’s like I tell my children, “It’s like getting more than you gave!” Just knowing I was able to help you in the simplest way brings so much joy. Here is an example; watching your kids while you go to the dentist alone is such a blessing. If I hear about a friend's need after the fact. I am a little boggled why that friend didn’t “ask for help.”
Why is it so easy for me to give help and so difficult for me to receive help? A question I have been asking myself the past week, I have been working on this single blog post for a few weeks now. Am I prideful? Do I have a fear of being turned down? Fear of rejection? Feeling like a burden? Feeling like I can do it ALL on my own? I am still unclear on the “why,” but I do know for sure, that’s a whole lot of “feelings”!
Feelings are meant to tell us something isn’t right under the surface. Our emotions are not intended to steer the boat. I often forget about this verse in 1 John 3:20. God is greater than our feelings! He knows everything about us because He created us; we are His masterpiece! I want to live a life shaped by God, not feelings (1 John 3:20 NLT).
So what's next? One small step calling that friend and taking them up on the offer to help you! After processing through this with you, my friends, I can see there is some growth that needs to happen in me. I need to work on overcoming my feelings and start asking for help. Knowing full well that bringing someone else into my need for help will, in turn, bring them joy and bless them!
I am so thankful that you are greater than my feelings. You know my every thought, weakness, strength, hope, and dream. Help me this day to humble myself and ask for help, it's through your strength that any of this is possible! Fill each one who reads this with Joy!
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