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Showing posts from May, 2021

There Is Joy In Sharing The Goodness of God!

I find joy and comfort in knowing that God doesn’t “waste” a storm that we go through! Two years have passed since I was sitting in this hospital room with my 4-year-old little boy. I have blocked this time out of my head and heart for many reasons. Recently I have felt the nudges from the Holy Spirit saying, “ It's time to peel back the layers of this event, to bring healing and give God the true glory he deserves.” So here I am being obedient to the Holy Spirit’s leading. How do I write a backstory Of three amazing crazy seasons in my life? How do I crunch them into a few paragraphs? Holy Spirit help me! I was that person who always disliked going to the hospital. I’m not sure where it stems from? It’s kind of funny now that I look back. All of my children came into this world just at the right time. God had a plan and a purpose for each one of them. My oldest was born at 26 weeks and spent almost 3 months in the NICU in San Diego. He made his grand entrance on the last day of ou...